Council Highlights – May 2, 2022
Presentations Council received a presentation from Andrea Ryman who provided an update on Destination Castlegar’s activities.
Community Support
- Council approved a $250 donation to Run 4 Refugees.
- In response to correspondence received from Olga Hallborg on behalf of the Ukrainian Canadian community, Council approved displaying the peace sign and smaller items underneath the Ukraine Flag at City Hall to raise awareness about Ukraine up to June 30, 2022.
Design-build of City-wide Wayfinding Signage
Council awarded Request for Proposal 2022-05: Design-Build of City-wide Wayfinding Signage and Lighting Contract to Martech Electrical Systems Ltd. for a total value of $208,167 plus applicable taxes.
Neighbourhood Small Grants Program
Council received a report seeking approval to work with the Phoenix Foundation of the Boundary Communities to support small grants that empower community members to put their ideas into action by providing grants between $50 to $500 for projects that make neighbourhoods and communities better places to live.
Housing Needs Report Program – Funding Application
Council approved applying to the Union of British Columbia Municipalities Housing Needs Report Program for the full amount of up to $20,000 to support the completion of a Housing Need Report in alignment with requirements under the Local Government Act. The timing of this funding cycle is advantageous in that it aligns with the release of the most recent census data and will allow for incorporation into the City’s Official Community Plan review. It will also support future efforts in that each five-year cycle of reporting will coincide with the same five-year cycle as the census.
Road Link Painting Services
Council authorized awarding a three-year contract for road line painting services to Aardvark Pavement Marking Services Ltd. for the sum of $301,273.63 plus GST and amending the 2022 line painting budget by $17,850.35.
Development Incentives Program
Council received a report from the Manager of Planning, Development & Sustainability to consider Development Cost Charges Amendment Bylaw No. 1380 which enables the waiving or reduction of Development Cost Charges for the purposes of not-for-profit and for-profit rental housing within the City, and Tax Revitalization Bylaw No. 1382 which enables tax exemptions for the purposes of multi-family, commercial, and industrial developments.
Following the completion of the City’s Housing Strategy, Downtown Area Plan, and Castlegar and District Economic Development Plan, it was identified that a Development Incentive Program would support local development and investment and demonstrate a commitment toward being development ready. The Development Incentive Program is proposed to include two options for developers: reduction of development cost charges or revitalization tax exemption. The intent would be that developers will be required to choose which development incentive best fits their needs. Developments will not be eligible for both programs. This will be considered for final adoption at the May 16, 2022 Regular Council Meeting.
2021 Audited Financial Statements
Council received the key findings and results of the audit of the City’s 2021 Financial Statements and approved the 2021 Audited Financial Statements. Overall, the City saw revenues comparable to the 2021 budget. The utilities fund (water and sewer), saw higher than budgeted revenues of approximately $300,000. The general fund, which captures all other City services, saw higher than budgeted revenues of $103,000, primarily from building permit and business license revenues.
The COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect revenues at the airport. Overall airport revenue losses are about 70% lower than pre-pandemic revenues (based on 2019 actuals) and 80% lower than pre-pandemic revenue projections for 2021.
2021 Statement of Financial Information
Council received a report from the Manager of Financial Services seeking approval of the 2021 Statement of Financial Information prior to submission to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and posting to the City’s website. This will be considered for final adoption at the May 16, 2022 Regular Council Meeting.
Council adopted:
- Property Tax Bylaw No. 1377
- Pre-authorized Tax Payment Plan Bylaw No. 1378
Council gave First, Second, and Third Reading to:
- Development Cost Charges Amendment Bylaw No. 1380
- Local Government Election and Assent Voting Bylaw No. 1381
- Revitalization Tax Exemption Bylaw No. 1382
- 2022 Tax Rates Bylaw No. 1383
Development Permitting
Council approved:
- Development Permit 3/22, for the purposes of form and character of a mixed-use residential and commercial development at 2405 Columbia Avenue and 2404 6th Avenue.
- Development Variance Permit Application 5/20 (2225 Columbia Avenue) to vary: the setback from the centre line of Columbia Avenue; the north interior side lot line setback; the aisle width along the south side of the multiple residential building.
- Development Permit 2/22, for the purposes of form and character of a recycling depot at 1335 Columbia Avenue.