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Council Highlights – October 2022

Recognition of Former Mayors On October 17, the City formally recognized people who have served as Mayor of the modern City of Castlegar (since amalgamation with Kinnaird) for their service and commitment to our community with a commemorative gavel. This includes:

Audrey Moore – served from 1977-1993

Michael O’Connor – served from 1993-2005

Lawrence Chernoff – served from 2005-2018

Bruno Tassone – served from 2018-2021

Kirk Duff – served from 2021-2022

Community Grant Applications

On September 20, 2022 Castlegar Refugee Project made a presentation to Council regarding the organization and their initiative and a request for funding. After reviewing the current grants policy staff recommended that Council follow the City’s grant process which would consider the request as part of the 2022 fourth-quarter applications which has a deadline of November 15, 2022.

Millennium Park & Ponds Castle Play Structure

Council authorized the award of the Millennium Park & Ponds Castle Play Structure Supply & Delivery to Parkworks Solutions Corp. for a total value of $827,483.43 plus taxes. This is part of a larger project which includes safety surfacing for the play area, and a natural interpretive trail with amenities such as benches and garbage receptacles in the nearby forested area. After the play structure supply and delivery are procured, the following will need to be completed:

  • Location selection based on the outcome of an archaeological assessment;
  • Indigenous consultation feedback and park amenity-focused location study;
  • Detailed design of the play structure site works and pathway;
  • Procurement of site works construction and; and
  • Procurement of the play structure installation.

Biosolids Reuse Program

Council authorized the award of Request for Proposal 2022-23 for the Biosolids Reuse Program to Sylvis Environmental Services for a total value of $180,000 plus taxes and an amendment to the Five-Year Financial Plan and the 2022 Sewer Operating Budget to include $200,000 for the Castlegar Biosolids Reuse Program.


Council authorized staff to:

  1. Proceed with the detailed design for the relocation of the City’s sani-dump at Heritage Way, one of four locations investigated in a location feasibility review; and
  2. Determine a user rate fee for the service.

City Agreements

Council approved entering into the following agreements:

  • Fairview and Area Fire Protection and Assistance Response Agreement
  • RDCK Fibre Optic Agreement
  • Mountain Valley Media Advertising Agreement
  • Rotary Club of Castlegar #232 Agreement

Cost Sharing Agreement – Twin Rivers Estates Phase 2B

Council approved cost-sharing with the owner of land located at 3805 Columbia Avenue for Phase 2B of Twin River Estates for off-site works which include upgrades to the CP Rail Crossing at 5th Avenue and the application of latecomer charges.

Bylaws For Consideration

Council Adopted the 2023 Permissive Tax Exemption Bylaw No. 1393, a Bylaw to exempt from taxation certain properties situated in the City of Castlegar.

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