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Emergency Exercise Planned for West Kootenay Regional Airport

The City of Castlegar is conducting an emergency exercise at the West Kootenay Regional Airport on Wednesday, November 23, 2022.

The West Kootenay Regional Airport is regulated by Transport Canada and is required to conduct a full-scale emergency exercise every four years.

The exercise allows airport staff and first responders to test their response plans in a simulated aircraft emergency scenario to ensure that all agencies are well-prepared and coordinated in the event of a real emergency.

During the exercise, large amounts of black smoke and considerable emergency response vehicle activity will be visible at the airport.

With 12,500 annual aircraft movements and 74,000 annual passengers, the West Kootenay Regional Airport is a gateway to the world and an economic development generator for the region. The Airport offers flight service to and from Vancouver and Calgary.

For Additional Information:

Shawn Sutherland

Tetra Tech Canada Inc.

(587) 227-2294

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