Council Highlights – March 20, 2023
Emerald Green Strata Council received a presentation from the Emerald Green Strata requesting the City consider assuming jurisdiction of Emerald Green. Council asked staff to investigate the potential of what this would mean for the City and prepare a report.
Administrative Staff Compensation Grid Adjustment
Council received a report to amend Policy 4-8 Administrative Staff Compensation by adjusting the grid levels to ensure salaries are in line with the cost of living and the competitive job market, and allow for greater flexibility in compensation, but does not result in automatic salary increases. The report will be considered for final adoption at the April 3, 2023 Regular Council Meeting.
Information Technology Strategic Plan – Recommendation for Award
Council awarded Request for Proposal RFP-2022-26 Information Technology Strategic Plan to Myra Systems Corporation at a cost of $55,196 plus taxes. This will lead to a comprehensive review of the City’s Information Technology services and the creation of a five-year roadmap.
Community Emergency Memorandum of Understanding with the Regional District of Central Kootenay
Council received a report from the Deputy Fire Chief seeking approval to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Regional District of Central Kootenay for emergency support services during a Level 1 emergency. This covers incidents impacting up to 12 individuals, like a house fire. This will be considered for final adoption at the April 3, 2023 Regular Council Meeting.
Community Emergency Preparedness
Council approved an application to the Union of British Columbia Municipalities Community Emergency Preparedness Program to fund Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) training for 24 City staff. The training ensures staff are trained to support the community in the event of an emergency.
Garbage, Recycles & Yard Waste Collection & Disposal Services Agreement Extension
Council agreed to temporarily extend the current Garbage, Recycles & Yard Waste Collection & Disposal Services Agreement to a month-to-month arrangement until a new Curbside Collection Services Agreement is implemented later this year.
Spring Fling 2023 Support Request
Council will provide $1,000 to support Castlegar’s 2023 Spring Fling event. Learn more about the event at
Castlegar and District Chamber of Commerce
Council supported a request from the Castlegar and District Chamber of Commerce requesting the City waive its landscaping deposit as part of the development permit process for the Confluence Project which will see the construction of a new $5 million multi-use 7,000-square-foot building to bring economic growth, tourism, and local business support together.
Habitat for Humanity
Council received a thank you letter from Habitat of Humanity for its support of a housing project at 560 – 8th Street and an invitation to participate in a mini-Build Day event where Councillors can roll up their sleeves and make a very personal contribution to the construction of the homes.
BC Epilepsy Society
Council received a request to light the Kinnaird overpass purple March 26 in support of Epilepsy awareness.
BC Lyme Disease Support Group
Council received a request to light the Kinnaird overpass green May 3 in support of Lyme Disease awareness.