Castlegar Initiating Liquid Waste Management Plan
The City of Castlegar is initiating a Liquid Waste Management Plan and is seeking community involvement.
Liquid waste includes both sanitary sewage and stormwater. Proper management of the City’s liquid waste relies on built physical infrastructure to convey and treat it, and guidance from well-thought-out plans, policies, commitments, and budgets to ensure a broad range of impacts are considered as the City grows and changes.
A Liquid Waste Management Plan is a legal document, approved by the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy, that enables municipalities to develop holistic plans for liquid waste management that consider the unique needs of the community, businesses, and geography while meeting environmental regulations.
The Liquid Waste Management Plan will be developed in three stages:
Stage 1 – We will define issues and challenges and identify potential waste management options.
Stage 2 – We will assess and evaluate options.
Stage 3 – We will select the preferred option, identify steps for implementation, develop a financing plan, and adopt the final plan for review by the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy.
Join the Advisory Committee
The City is forming an Advisory Committee consisting of technical experts, businesses, and community members to contribute to the process and is seeking applications from Castlegar residents. Find the application information and Terms of Reference at
Get Involved
During Stage 1, the City will inform residents where we are currently at with liquid waste and ask questions like where the community wants to end up and how we should get there. Stay tuned for more information in the coming months.
Learn More
Find more information and resources at