What We Heard on Castlegar’s Community Plan and More Opportunities to Say Your Way to 2033
The City of Castlegar would like to thank the community for their input into the Community Plan and is inviting everyone to give us feedback on draft priorities and policies for the City’s future.
Municipalities typically only hear from around 5% of the community. This spring, we heard from 13% of the community and received an incredible turnout during our public engagement events. Over 600 workbooks and more than 500 conversations with community members led to the creation of seven themes that will guide the Community Plan and how it will shape Castlegar.
We heard that residents want to:
- increase housing choice and diversity;
- enhance transit and active transportation options;
- create opportunities for connection and gathering;
- celebrate our cultural diversity and heritage;
- protect natural assets and build on our outdoor nature;
- show we care through expanded social supports and programming; and
- ensure core services are maintained to a high standard.
The feedback received is summarized in the full What We Heard Report available at castlegar.ca/whatweheard.
These seven themes were used to draft five key priorities and related policies. We are engaging with the community again this fall to confirm that these priorities are reflective of the community that you want to live in.
“The City wants to thank the entire community for getting involved in Castlegar’s Community Plan. We heard from an extraordinary number of people and this diversity of voices helps to ensure that the Community Plan is for everyone,” says City of Castlegar Manager of Planning, Development and Sustainability, Meeri Durand. “We are looking forward to hearing from the community where we got things right, and where we need more conversation.”
Stay involved and join us to Say Your Way to 2033! Your continued input is an important part of the process to ensure that what we heard reflects the needs of Castlegar within the Community Plan.
Learn about the key priorities for the Community Plan and draft policies throughout your community. Give feedback and ask questions. Join us at one of the following upcoming events:
Coffee Chats – Tuesday, October 31
Common Grounds | 692 18th Street from 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Humble Bean | 1125 4th Street from 1:00 – 3:00 pm
Drop-in for free coffee, good company, and great discussion.
Trivia Night – Wednesday, November 1
Drop in from 6:00 – 8:00 pm, trivia to begin at 6:30 pm
Tailout Brewing | 1810 8th Ave Unit A
Test your knowledge at our pop-up booth at the popular Tailout Brewing Trivia Night.
Castlegar Community Connect – Thursday, November 2
Drop in from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Castlegar Community Complex | 2101 6th Avenue
Connect with us at this event hosted by community partners: Castlegar District Community Services, Castlegar Integrated Services Collaborative & Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy.
Online Survey
Available until December 1
Not able to attend one of our events? Complete our online survey here and give your feedback digitally. Need a paper copy? Contact City Hall at (250) 365-7227 or communityplan@castlegar.ca.
Learn More
Find more information and sign up for Community Plan Project updates at castlegar.ca/2033plan.