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City of Castlegar Launches Public Engagement Process to Gather Ideas & Renew Brandson Neighbourhood Park

The City of Castlegar is initiating a public engagement process to renew Brandson Neighbourhood Park located at 2412 6th Avenue which aims to create an accessible and inclusive park that is welcoming to everyone.

The City wants to hear ideas from the community on what it wants to see and asks the question: if you could shape the space, what would you like to see at Brandson Park? The ideas and input you share will help the project team understand what the community would like to see and help build a new vision for the future of the park. The City engagement is focused on hearing ideas from the broader community for this park space and how the stories and history of this park can be celebrated.

Brandson Neighbourhood Park is adjacent to a mixed-use residential development currently under construction. When this development was approved, the City committed to:
-dedicate the space as Park land by bylaw under Section 30 of the Community Charter.
-engage the community to determine what the community prefers in terms of the park space; and
-reach out to local historians and community members to capture the history of the park and commemorate the story on site.

“We’ve planned ‘picnic in the park’ events where people can see Brandson Park as it is, and dream about ideas for its future,” said Project Manager, Anne Simonen.“ We will be engaging the community in all stages of this project including prioritizing park possibilities, building the vision for its future, developing conceptual options, and identifying the preferred final design.”

How to Get Involved

Join us to share your thoughts while having a picnic in the park. Food and beverages will be provided.
Location: Brandson Park, 2412 6th Avenue.
Date/time: Tuesday, May 7 from noon to 7 p.m.
Logistics: Parking is available at Living Waters Faith Fellowship at 2329 6th Avenue.

Share your thoughts by taking a short 5-minute survey:
-Online at
-In hard copy at City Hall, located at 460 Columbia Avenue.

Help us build a timeline of the history of the Park and capture stories at

Find all the project-related information at

The City expects engagement and project planning will be complete by the fall and construction at the park will occur in the spring of 2025.

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