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Greenline Bike Network

The Greenline bike network connects Castlegar north to south, east to west, and out to Selkirk College.

Engineering & Infrastructure

The Greenline cycling network is an important component of the City’s transportation system. Every trip that is made by bicycle helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions and traffic congestion. The Greenline cycling plan was envisioned to provide safe cycling routes across the width and breadth of the City.

Bike Lanes & Paths

The Greenline cycling network includes multi-use pathways, separated bike paths, bike lanes, and shared traffic lanes, as well as maintenance facilities and parking.

Multi-use Pathways

Paths marked as shared-use are used for walking, running, and rolling by people of all ages and abilities. Be aware of the rules and etiquette to keep pathways fun and safe for everyone.

Multi-use pathways in Castlegar include:

  • 20th Street to Connor Road Connection
  • Kinnaird Bridge to College Trail
  • Orchard Avenue

Bike Paths

Bike paths are routes that are separated from traffic by a physical barrier or curb.

Bike paths in Castlegar include:

  • Grade-separated paths on Columbia Avenue from 17th to 13th street – hese lanes will continue northward as part of the Columbia Avenue Complete Streets projects

Bike Lanes

Bikes lanes are lanes separated from traffic only with paint markings, rather than a physical barrier like bike paths. They are usually between the outside vehicle lane and the curb, and are typically stamped with a bike to signal that it is not a parking shoulder.

Bike lanes in Castlegar include:

  • Columbia Avenue from 24th to 18th
  • 17th street behind Safeway
  • Connors Road
  • 6th Ave from 24th to 20th St.

Shared Lanes

Shared lanes have cyclists and vehicles sharing the same travel lane. In Castlegar, these are on both low-speed residential streets and major roadways.

Shared lanes in Castlegar include:

  • 5th Avenue
  • 7th Avenue


Whether you are driving or cycling, all road users have a role to play in road safety.

For Cyclists

  • Wear high-visibility clothing and use lights when cycling between dusk and dawn
  • When riding on Bike Paths, Bike Lanes, and Shared lanes, cyclists should be moving in the same direction as the vehicles (i.e. on the right side of the road)
  • Follow the rules of the road
  • Be predictable
  • Leave space between yourself and parked cars in case of opening doors
  • Watch for other users of the space
  • Use hand signals when turning or changing lanes
  • Yield to pedestrians

For Drivers

  • Remember that people on bikes are allowed on all roadways, and have the right to use the full vehicle travel lane.
  • Yield to bikes when you are turning, even at a red light.
  • Do not park in lanes stamped with bikes. These are travel lanes, not parking lanes.
  • Do not drive on bike lanes to pass slow or stopped vehicles.
  • When passing bikes, pass with more than one meter space to the cyclist
  • Check for oncoming cyclists before opening your door. Learn to use the “Dutch Reach”.

Greenline Bike Network Frequently Asked Questions

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Submit concerns about safety via the City’s Report an Issue or Ask a Question online tool or contact Civic Works at

Submit your maintenance request via the City’s Report an Issue or Ask a Question online tool or contact Civic Works at Our Operations crew will receive your request and will address it when they can.

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