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Emergencies can strike at any time. When they do, the City of Castlegar assists with evacuation and access to shelter, clean water, food and health care.

The City prioritizes quickly informing our residents and visitors of all emergencies and incidents that may impact our community. All emergency information will be posted at

Sign up to receive immediate notifications of any emergency, by visiting the Voyent Alert website. This service is provided by the Regional District of Central Kootenay.

There are currently no active emergency alerts in effect. Previous emergency alerts are shown below.

Boil Water Notice Rescinded

The Boil Water Notice for the City of Castlegar issued on Friday, August 9, 2024, has been rescinded. Water sampling results indicate that the water is safe, and the Boil Water Notice is no longer required. Interior Health required the boil water notice following a power outage that impacted the water system’s chlorination. Crews responded ......

Rescinded Water Quality Advisory

The precautionary Water Quality Advisory for the City of Castlegar has been rescinded. This decision was made in collaboration with Interior Health now that turbidity levels have improved to within acceptable limits. This was determined following monitoring and assessment of the water turbidity levels over the weekend. The Water Quality Advisory was put in place ......

September 1, 2023 Water Quality Advisory

Effective immediately, City of Castlegar residents serviced by the City’s water system will be under a Water Quality Advisory. During a Water Quality Advisory, Interior Health and the City recommend that children, the elderly, people with weakened immune systems, and anyone seeking additional protection drink boiled water (brought to a rolling boil for at least ......

Davidson Brook Wildfire Update

The BC Wildfire Service has handed off the management of the Davidson Brook wildfire to the Castlegar Fire Department. The Castlegar Fire Department plans to patrol the area for the next week to ensure any hot spots are extinguished. The fire status remains as being under control. Find the most current information on the BC ......

Davidson Brook Wildfire Update

In consultation with the BC Wildfire Service, the Castlegar Fire Department has officially updated the status of Davidson Brook wildfire to being held, which means it is not likely to spread beyond predetermined boundaries under current conditions. There are 19 firefighters from the BC Wildfire Service currently on site, continuing to water down hot spots. ......

Davidson Brook Wildfire Update

The Castlegar Fire Department continues to work on the Davidson Brook wildfire and made progress today. The fire is now expected to stay contained within a fire-guarded area. The fire was officially mapped today and is currently reported at just over 2 hectares. The Castlegar Fire Department has been supported by the Robson and Ootischenia ......

Davidson Brook Wildfire

At approximately 5 p.m. on Saturday, August 5, a wildfire was discovered west of the 1100 block of Columbia Avenue in Castlegar. The Castlegar Fire Department responded immediately and approached the fire from several directions. The Southeast Fire Centre also had helicopters and water and fire-retardant bombers on site. These efforts have been successful in ......

Boil Water Notice Rescinded

761 5th Avenue to 863 Kerria Street and 400 Block 8th Avenue Effective immediately, the Boil Water Notice applied to your property on January 23, 2023 is no longer in effect. The City has completed two separate water quality tests that confirmed the water in your area is safe to consume. Before you consume the ......

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