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Appear Before City Council

Individuals or groups can apply to appear before Castlegar’s Council to request an action, present an idea, or provide an update on a project or concept.

What is a Delegation?

A delegation is a formal name for an individual or group who want to appear before City Council to:

  • make a presentation on a matter that is of broad community interest and that is within the jurisdiction of the City
  • inform or update Council on a project, idea or concept
  • request action by Council
  • request a Letter of Support

How to Apply to be a Delegation

Requests must be made in writing clearly outlining the subject matter and/or proposals to be presented and submitted to the Director of Corporate Services. Submit your request using our online form below.

Completed submissions may be included in the Council Agenda package, which is published in print and online format and is part of the permanent public record.

Delegation Presentation Guidelines & Procedures

  1. Depending on the subject matter, your request may be best suited and referred to a relevant City Department.
  2. The delegation request, supporting documentation, and a copy of the presentation must be received by the Corporate Services department no later than 4:00 pm on the Tuesday immediately preceding the meeting at which the delegation is to be heard.
  3. Delegations are heard as one of the first items of meeting business. Ensure you arrive in advance of the meeting start time.
  4. Completed submissions – including names and contact details provided – will be on the agenda, which is available to the public and posted on the internet. The local media may be in attendance at the meeting and are permitted to use information from delegations in their reporting.
  5. Delegations are permitted to a maximum of 15 minutes to present their subject to Council, which must also consider anticipated Council question and answer period. The time limit may only be extended if so expressed by unanimous vote of Council members present.
  6. Any petition to Council shall include the name and residential address of each petitioner.
  7. Council / Committee will receive the information and may refer the issue to staff for a report or for consideration at a future meeting.
  8. There is a limit of two delegations per meeting. Delegations are scheduled on a first come/first served basis. Please provide your first and second choice of meeting dates in your submission.

Privacy Statement

Regular Council meetings are public. Council chambers are equipped with audio and video recording devices. To increase accessibility and transparency, public Council proceedings are recorded, broadcasted and posted publicly on the internet. The information on the form below will become part of the public record and will be distributed to Council, staff, media and the public.

Information on the online form is collected in order to respond to your request to appear before Council. If you have any questions or concerns about the collection and use of this information, please contact the Director of Corporate Services.

The agenda is posted on the public notice bulletin board at City Hall (460 Columbia Avenue). The complete agenda package and proceedings of Council / Committee Meetings, including delegations, are recorded and posted on the City website at


Due to the increasing number of proclamations received by the City of Castlegar, Council passed the following resolution regarding the reading of proclamations:

“That all proclamations received by the City of Castlegar will be received for information only.”

Apply to be a Delegation

Contact Details

Enter the contact details of the spokesperson who will be presenting to Council.
Enter the name of the spokesperson who will be presenting to Council.
Organization, business, self, etc.

Delegation Details

Purpose of Delegation(Required)

Delegation Presentation Guidelines & Procedures(Required)
I have read and agree to the Delegation Presentation Guidelines & Procedures.

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