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Master Plans

The City of Castlegar has multiple long-term strategic and master plans that help guide Council and staff in decision making.

Downtown Area Plan

The City’s Downtown Area Plan will guide growth and future development and establish a vision to encourage and foster the development of a vibrant, pedestrian-friendly and economically resilient downtown core.

Downtown Area Plan

Pedestrian & Cycling Master Plan

The City’s Pedestrian & Cycling Master Plan supports an expanded active transportation system.

Pedestrian & Cycling Master Plan

Street Tree Master Plan

The City’s Street Tree Master Plan will create a legacy for future generations consisting of a healthy, attractive, colourful and manageable street tree population.

Street Tree Master Plan

Water Asset Management Plan

The City’s Water Asset Management Plan integrates climate change with asset management into the capital planning process for the City’s water infrastructure.

Water Asset Management Plan

Sanitary Asset Management Plan

The City’s Sanitary Asset Management Plan integrates climate change with asset management into the capital planning process for the City’s sanitary sewer infrastructure.

Sanitary Asset Management Plan

Roads Asset Management Plan

The City’s Roads Asset Management Plan integrates climate change with asset management into the capital planning process for the City’s roadway infrastructure.

Roads Asset Management Plan

Storm Asset Management Plan

The City’s Storm Asset Management Plan integrates climate change with asset management into the capital planning process for the City’s stormwater infrastructure.

Storm Asset Management Plan

Castlegar 100% Renewable Energy Plan

The City’s Castlegar 100% Renewable Energy Plan identifies pathways to make progress toward renewable energy goals.

Castlegar 100% Renewable Energy Plan

Communications Plan

The City’s Communications Plan outlines goals, objectives, strategies and actions for enhancing communications, increasing public engagement and improving internal communications.

Communications Plan

Castlegar & District Economic Development Strategy

The City’s Castlegar & District Economic Development Strategy guides efforts to attraction new investment, job creation and supporting and growing existing businesses.

Castlegar & District Economic Development Strategy

Castlegar Community Wildfire Protection Plan

The City’s Castlegar Community Wildfire Protection Plan includes wildfire threat and risk information and recommendations to mitigate those risks.

Castlegar Community Wildfire Protection Plan

Castlegar Housing Strategy & Housing Needs Assessment

The City’s Castlegar Housing Strategy identifies actions to meet the housing needs of all current and anticipated future residents of the City

Castlegar Housing Strategy & Housing Needs Assessment

Millennium Park Master Plan

The City’s Millennium Park Master Plan acts as a guide and overall vision for the parks future development.

Millennium Park Master Plan

Castlegar Community Plan

The City’s Community Plan looks at what kind of community you want to live in, and the ways we can get there. A Community Plan shapes the way we live, work, move, and play within the City of Castlegar. It includes policy direction on what is important to you: climate action, housing choice, economic resilience, places to connect, and green space. It helps ensure that there is space and a place for everyone in our community.

Castlegar Community Plan

Airport Master Plan

The City’s Airport Master Plan includes:
• Land Use Plan
• Development Concepts
• Capital Financial Plan
• Revenue Plan
• Final Airport Master Plan for the City
• A Presentation on the Final Plan to City Council.

Airport Master Plan

Park Memorial Cemetery Master Plan

The City’s Cemetery Master Plan provides the City of Castlegar with long-term direction for the provision of cemetery services in Park Memorial Cemetery.

Park Memorial Cemetery Master Plan

RDCK Inclusive of Castlegar Airport Resource Recovery Plan

RDCK Inclusive of Castlegar Airport Resource Recovery Plan

Castlegar, Areas I and J Recreational Master Plan

Castlegar, Areas I and J Recreational Master Plan

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