City of Castlegar is kicking off a project which will create a Community Plan to guide how the City will evolve over the next ten years and we want residents to have a say. The best Community Plans set the vision for the type of community we want to be and how to get there. ......
Say Your Way to 2033 on Castlegar’s Community Plan
The City of Castlegar invites residents to join them in person to have a say on the City’s Community Plan. We’re updating our Community Plan, Zoning Bylaw, and Downtown Design Guidelines and want to understand what type of community you want to live in and establish a strong vision and goals for a bright future! ......
Council Highlights – March 20, 2023
Emerald Green Strata Council received a presentation from the Emerald Green Strata requesting the City consider assuming jurisdiction of Emerald Green. Council asked staff to investigate the potential of what this would mean for the City and prepare a report. Administrative Staff Compensation Grid Adjustment Council received a report to amend Policy 4-8 Administrative Staff ......
Yard Waste Collection Spring 2023
The City is helping residents deal with yard waste again this spring, providing two options for grass, lawn and hedge clippings, flowers, weeds, leaves, vegetable stalks, shrubs, and branches. Option 1 – Curbside pick-up April 19 in North Castlegar and April 20 in South Castlegar May 31 in North Castlegar and June 1 in South ......
Council Highlights – March 6, 2023
Castlegar Hospice Society Council received a presentation from the Castlegar Hospice Society and discussed the possibility of installing a wind phone at Millennium Park & Ponds. Wind phones are usually found in unconnected telephone booths where visitors can hold one-way conversations with deceased loved ones. Wind phones are gaining popularity since their introduction in Otsuchi, ......
Missed Garbage Pickup in the Downtown Area March 8, 2023
Garbage pickup in the downtown area (approximately 2nd Street to 3rd Street and 2nd Ave to 4th Ave) was missed on Wednesday, March 8, 2023. Please leave your garbage cart out today and the driver will be back out to collect anything that was missed. We apologize for any inconvenience....
Council Highlights – February 21, 2023
Grant Application – Homelessness Population Estimate Council received a request from the Manager of Planning, Development & Sustainability to apply to the Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM) Grant for a Homelessness Population Estimate. Last year the City received a $20,000 grant to complete a Housing Needs Report which is underway. This year, the City ......
Outdoor Rinks Closed for the Season
Due to forecasted warmer temperatures over the next couple of weeks, the outdoor rinks will remain closed and are not expected to reopen for the season. These temperatures are not conducive to maintaining ice to safe conditions for public skating....
Outdoor Rinks – Find Information About Rinks & Their Status
Due to the warmer temperature, the outdoors rinks have been temporarily closed until colder weather. Outdoor Rinks Closed Watch for future updates....