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Liquid Waste Management Plan FAQs

Get answers to frequently asked questions about Castlegar’s Liquid Waste Management Plan.

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There are many benefits to completing a LWMP, including:

  • LWMPs take a “big picture” approach to problem-solving, allowing efficiencies that solve multiple problems, while making sure not to cause others elsewhere.
  • LWMPs were developed by the Province to empower communities to develop solutions that work for them, rather than have the Province impose solutions.
  • Without a LWMP, the province may impose new regulations that would require urgent solutions. A LWMP allows the City to move at its own pace to find the best path forward.
  • With the final approval of the plan, it creates a clear path for Council and staff to follow, regardless of election cycles or staffing changes.
  • It allows the City to financially plan for the work to reduce the burden on residents.
  • It reduces the risk on the City of proceeding with a solution to one problem that may end up being a band-aid fix, or which may cause unexpected problems elsewhere.
  • It increases access to funding opportunities.
  • It allows the work in the plan to be implemented without further Provincial approval, more environmental assessments, or public engagement, as they were all completed under the LWMP process. This will save time and money.

A LWMP will make sure that City funds are being spent effectively and with a long view on the future of the City. To attempt to resolve liquid waste challenges in the City without examining efficiencies or future growth may mean that the fix may cause other issues, or it may not be designed for the future growth of the City and need costly upgrades sooner.

While many parts of a LWMP are regulatory, the City needs feedback from residents to determine some priorities that will affect the environment and sustainability including:

  • How important are aesthetics or innovation to the plan?
  • Should the City target meet or exceed environmental regulations?
  • Should the City explore innovative options, such as treated water reuse, or treating wastewater solids to use for fertilizers or land restoration?

Many of these priorities have cost implications and it will be important for Council to understand residents’ preferences before making decisions on the plan. Your feedback will help the Advisory Committee, Steering Committee, and Council determine the courses of action most preferred by the community.

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