City Council Committees
Advisory Committees and Boards create meaningful opportunities for public participation in specific issues in the City of Castlegar.
Committees and Board are advisory in nature and function within the authority set out in their terms of reference or by Bylaw. Citizen representatives are appointed in a voluntary capacity to bring local knowledge, expertise and experience.
See Volunteer Opportunities for information on applying for Castlegar’s Advisory Committees and Boards.
Currently active City of Castlegar Advisory Committees and Boards are listed below.
Advisory Planning Commission
Municipalities establish Advisory Planning Commissions to advise Council on planning and land use matters, pursuant to the Local Government Act and in accordance with Bylaw 499 – Advisory Planning Commission. Matters that are referred to the Advisory Planning Commission may include land use amendments, development variances, and development permits. Members may also be asked to participate, or provide advice, on other community planning initiatives or policy directives. Members are appointed by Council resolution.
Board of Variance
Municipalities are required to establish a Board of Variance when a Zoning Bylaw is in effect for the municipality, pursuant to the Local Government Act and in accordance with Bylaw 739 – Board of Variance. The Board functions as a decision-making body independent of Council that has limited powers which are provided by Bylaw and has authority to grant minor variances to the Zoning Bylaw. Members are appointed by Council resolution.
Abilities Awareness Advisory Committee
The Abilities Awareness Advisory Committee is an advisory body to Council established by the Mayor pursuant to Section 142 of the Community Charter. Select Committees are established to consider or inquire into a specific matter and report its findings and opinion to the Council. At least one member of a select Committee must be a Council member. The purpose of the Abilities Awareness Advisory Committee is to advise and assist the City of Castlegar in making Castlegar a community that is physically accessible for all its citizens.
Council Standing Committees
A Standing Committee is an advisory body to Council established by the Mayor, pursuant to Section 141 of the Community Charter.
Current appointments to Council Standing Committees are:
Community Wellness and Social Services
- Chair – Councillor MacLeod
- Deputy Chair – Councillor Heaton-Sherstobitoff
Cultural and Civic Pride
- Chair – Councillor Bogle
- Deputy Chair – Councillor Bell
Finance and Corporate Services
- Chair – Councillor Heaton-Sherstobitoff
- Deputy Chair – Mayor McFaddin
Green and Technology
- Chair – Councillor Bojechko
- Deputy Chair – Councillor Falstead
Municipal Services
- Chair – Councillor Falstead
- Deputy Chair – Councillor MacLeod
Planning, Development & Sustainability
- Chair – Mayor McFaddin
- Deputy Chair – Councillor Bogle
Protective Services
- Chair – Councillor Bell
- Deputy Chair – Councillor Bojechko
Stage IV Labour / Management Committee
- Chair – Mayor McFaddin
- Member – Councillor MacLeod
- Member – Councillor Bogle