Homeowner & Builder Resources
Find resources for homeowners and builders available from various services and agencies.
Development Services
BC Housing
BC Housing provides programs such as grants, seminars, workshops and webinars to provide best practices, up-to-date research and building code information.
Learn more: bchousing.org
BC Residential Tenancy Branch
This provincial office supports residential tenants and landlords. Learn about becoming a landlord and how to resolve disputes.
Learn more: gov.bc.ca/gov/content/housing-tenancy/residential-tenancies
Cooperative Housing Federation of BC (CHFBC)
The CHFBC provides support to housing co-ops, those interested in creating one, and manages a community land trust to support the creation of new community housing and preserve existing homes. They provide education, consulting services, and resources for Co-ops.
Learn more: chf.bc.ca
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)
The CMHC is a financial institution that provides housing finance solutions, housing research, and funding programs.
Learn more: cmhc-schl.gc.ca