Tenant Resources
Find housing resources for tenants available from various non-profit service providers and government agencies.
Development Services
BC Housing
BC Housing provides several programs such as rental assistance, rental housing, and grants. Search the housing listing to register for housing in Castlegar.
Learn more: bchousing.org
BC Residential Tenancy Branch
This provincial office supports residential tenants and landlords. Learn about your rights as a tenant and how to resolve disputes.
Learn more: gov.bc.ca/gov/content/housing-tenancy/residential-tenancies
Tenant Resource & Advisory Centre (TRAC)
The TRAC provides information about how to find rental housing, avoid scams, how to accommodate pets, and resources such as a tenant survival guide and roommate agreements. TRAC also hosts an online course geared for first-time tenants called “Renting it Right: Finding a Home.”
Learn more: tenants.bc.ca/your-tenancy/finding-rental-housing
WelcomeBC is a government agency that supports newcomers in British Columbia and provides concise information about finding a place to live.
Learn more: welcomebc.ca/start-your-life-in-b-c/find-a-place-to-live