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Be a Sewer-hero, Help Prevent Sewer Problems

The City of Castlegar asks residents to think about what they flush down sink drains and toilets.

Fats, oils, and grease poured down a drain can build up on sewer walls causing blockages in the sewer system which can lead to basement flooding. They can also cause residential system back-ups resulting in localized flooding and property damage or severe clogs resulting in interruptions to essential sewer services or costly repairs.

Our crews have noticed a recent increase in harmful products in the City sewer system,” says Chris Hallam, Director of Municipal Services. “This results in the City spending a significant amount of tax dollars removing fats, oils and grease from blocked sewers and in additional treatment costs at wastewater plants.”

Residents can do their part by placing cooled kitchen fats, oil and grease, absorbed in paper towel or newspaper, in the new organics bin. If residents have larger quantities of kitchen oil, the best way to dispose of it is to freeze it until it is solid or absorb the kitchen oil in cat litter or sawdust before placing it in the garbage. Automotive oil and antifreeze can be recycled for free at Ernie’s Used Auto Parts Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Personal care products, wipes, Kleenex, and dental floss can also clog sewer lines and contribute to sewer backups. Many products labelled as flushable do not dissolve and damage and cause blockages in home plumbing, sewers and pumping stations when flushed. These should be placed in the garbage for disposal. Food-soiled paper towels can also be placed in the new curbside organics bin.

Human waste and toilet paper are the only materials that should be flushed down the toilet.

The City of Castlegar needs everyone to do their part to help maintain the sewer system to prevent residential damage and avoid costly excess repairs and maintenance. For more information on properly disposing of items, residents can visit or use the What Goes Where feature on the Recycle Coach app.

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